Breeding Elf

An upcoming character is going to based on a race of elves with an incredible talent to 'breed'. Rather than get into too much detail, this art is a small example of what inspired the creation of of the idea of this race of elves. One particular artist, SaburoX, has been the most influential.
Breeding Elf
Breeding Elf
Breeding Elf
Breeding Elf
Breeding Elf
Breeding Elf
Breeding Elf
Breeding Elf
Breeding Elf
Breeding Elf
Breeding Elf
Breeding Elf
Breeding Elf
Breeding Elf
Breeding Elf
Breeding Elf
Breeding Elf
Breeding Elf
Breeding Elf
Breeding Elf
Breeding Elf
Breeding Elf
Breeding Elf
Breeding Elf